Legal notes

Property :

DMDS s.a.

Rue Martin Legros, 30

B-4960 Malmedy

T. : +32 80 31 00 10


Responsible editor :

Jean-Luc Deroanne


Numéro d’entreprise :

ID 0861 352 773


Company number :



Conditions of use :

The content of this internet site may not be reproduced, distributed, modified or made accessible to third parties. Certain content is subject to copyright. The intellectual property contained in this internet site is protected. Complete or partial reproduction of this site on any medium is strictly forbidden unless express authorization is obtained from DMDS s.a.

Neither the owner nor the responsible editor can guarantee the correctness of the content on this internet site. They decline all liability for any loss or damage that may result, directly or indirectly, from the use of this internet site.

These General Conditions of Use are governed by Belgian law. All cases of dispute shall be referred for settlement to the sole competence of the courts of Verviers (Belgium).

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